研究了 4 0 0~ 80 0℃时 ,干摩擦条件下ZTA陶瓷销 /3Cr2W 8V钢盘的滑动摩擦磨损行为 测定了此摩擦副的摩擦系数和销的磨损因子 通过对销磨损面的SEM形貌观察、EP MA微区成分分析及X射线衍射相分析 ,讨论了ZTA陶瓷的磨损机理 试验结果表明 :ZTA陶瓷在 60 0℃时 ,以陶瓷晶粒的脱落和断裂为主要磨损机理 ,表现出比 4 0 0℃时有较大的磨损 ;80 0℃时由于钢盘已高温软化 ,而陶瓷销表面形成半透明无定形膜 ,有利于减少ZTA陶瓷的磨损 。
The sliding friction and wear behaviors of ZTA/3Cr2W8V in the air from 400 to 800℃ are studied and the friction coefficients and wear factors are measured. The wear mechanism of the materials is discussed through SEM, EPMA and XRD analyses on worn surfaces. The results indicate that main wear mechanism of ZTA at 600℃ is charactirized by the break off of grains and fracture. Because of this mechanism, some wear behaviors are shown. There is obvious wear at 400℃ and semitransparent film is formed on the surface of ceramic due to the intenerate of steel at 800℃. The forming of the film can reduce the wear of ZTA ceramics and increase the wear resistance at a high temperature.
Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology(Natural Science)
江苏省自然科学基金资助项目! (BK931510 6)