纳米材料是具有多种优异性能的新型材料 ,有广阔的应用前景 而纳米粉体则是构成纳米材料的基础 ,因此它的制备也就成为纳米材料制备的关键 本文对国内外纳米材料制备的研究动态进行了综述 ,以制备纳米Al2 O3粉体为例 ,论述了纳米粉体的各种制备技术 ,着重论述了液相合成技术、气相合成技术和固相合成技术 。
Nanomaterial is a new material with many excellent properties, and has a prospective wide application. Nanomaterial is constituted by nanometer powder, so preparation of nanometer powder becomes important. Research and development of nanomaterial preparation are reviewed in the paper. With the preparation of alumina nanometer powder as an example, preparation techniques of nanometer powder, especially the preparation techniques of liquid synthetic, vapor synthetic and solid synthetic, are discussed. The advantages and disadvantages of various preparation techniques are also summarized in the paper.
Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology(Natural Science)
江苏省教委自然科学基金资助项目! ( 99KJD4 30 0 0 4 )