在简单介绍心智图像的意义、特征及其研究概况的基础上 ,运用现代心理学、思维科学的原理 ,从哲学高度阐明心智图像的认识功能———整体把握的认识功能 ;从数学这一侧面 ,借助典型案例 ,探讨心智图像在问题解决中的重要作用———有利于对问题作直觉判断 ,对解题过程作整体把握 ,因而将实际问题数学化 。
s: Based on a brief introduction of meaning,characteristic and research of mind picture,the paper uses the principle of modern psychology and thinking science to clarify the cognitive function of mind picture?—? #the cognitive function of an overall grasp from the height of philosophy.And from mathematical point of view, with the aid of typical cases,it delves further into the important role of mind picture in solving problems.Thus it will be beneficial to intuitive judgement for a problem and to an overall grasp of problem?—? #solving process.As a result,it will mathematicalize a practical problem and a complex problem simplifying.
Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology(Natural Science)