为解决火电厂锅炉给水系统中由于落后的人工控制加药而造成汽轮机的凝汽器空抽区铜管等处氧化腐蚀 ,设计了基于 PLC的电厂锅炉给水加药自动控制系统 ,阐述了该系统的工作原理。
In order to solve the problem of oxidation etch onto the copper pipes within employing area of steam turbine condenser caused by outdated manual addition of chemicals into boiler's feeding system in thermal power station, a PLC based automatic control system of chemicals addition for boiler water feeding is developed. Operation principle of this system, hardware configuration, and software design are all discussed here.
Journal of Gansu University of Technology
甘肃省自然科学基金!(ZS0 0 1- A2 2 - 0 2 0 - G)