目的:回顾性分析102例院前猝死事件发生的特点及有效防治措施。方法回顾性分析乌鲁木齐市第一人民医院2004-2006年ICU进行院前急诊救治的102例患者的猝死原因及防治措施。结果院前猝死病例102例,约59%有明确的心血管病史,高发年龄为60岁以上(61.76%),男性多于女性,冬季明显高于其他季节。引起猝死的直接原因:室颤,室速。在≤6 min内进行现场施救的复苏有效为42例,6-8 min内进行现场施救的复苏有效为10例,8 min以上进行复苏的均无效。结论对于已有心血管基础的患者应注意其发生猝死的高度危险性,加快普及现场第一目击的心肺复苏术(CPR)技能、意识及公共场合普及自动除颤仪(AED)是刻不容缓的,为进一步提高院前猝死急救复苏水平提供依据。
Objective To retrospectively analyze the features of 102 cases of pre-hospital sudden death events(SDES) and its effective control measures. Methods Retrospectively analyzing the pathogenesis of the pre-hospital sudden death and its pre-ventive and curative of 102 cases of pre-hospital sudden death inpatients of the department of the ICU of First People’s Hospital of Urumqi during 2004 to 2006. Results The pre-hospital sudden death inpatients of 102 cases, about 59%of them subjected to cardiovascular diseases. With peak age incidence at more than 60 years (61.76%), occurred more in males, in winter. The ditect reasons of sudden death were ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation. 42 cases of on-site recovery be smaller or equal to 6 min, 10 cases for site recovery about 6-8 min, the rest of the cases ineffective recovery site greater than 8 min. Conclusion It’s emphasized that the patients who haue history of cardiovascular diseases,especially those haue old coronary arte-rial problems have higher possibility of sudden death. Its of great urgency to popularize the skill and consciousness of CPR for the first eyewitness as well as the use of automatic extracoporal defibrillator (AED) in public place. This discussion can supply the evidence to improve the pre-hospital emergency resustitation level.
China Practical Medicine
Pre-hospital sudden death
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation