

Progress on preparation of magnetic composite microspheres by miniemulsion polymerization
摘要 介绍了细乳液聚合的特点、细乳液聚合制备磁性复合微球的一般步骤;从制备影响因素角度,对近年来国内外细乳液聚合制备磁性复合微球的研究进行了综述。磁性复合微球主要采用正相细乳液聚合,影响微球制备的主要因素有乳化剂类型和用量、磁性纳米粒子表面修饰、超声分散、助稳定剂类型、交联剂引发剂和磁流体用量等。今后,细乳液聚合制备磁性复合微球的研究仍将关注提高复合微球性能(高磁响应性能、粒子大小可控且均匀、具有表面功能基团)及产率(磁性粒子包覆率)等方面。 The characteristics of miniemulsion polymerization and the general preparation steps of magnetic composite microspheres by miniemusion polymerization are introduced.Based on preparing factors,the preparation of magnetic composite microspheres by miniemulsion polymerization in recent years is reviewed.Magnetic composite microspheres are mainly prepared by the direct miniemulsion polymerization.The main influential factors on preparation of microspheres are the type and the amount of emulsifier,magnetic nanoparticles surface modification,ultrasonic dispersion,co-stabilizer type,crosslinking initiator and the dosage of ferrofluid.The direction trends of preparing magnetic composite microspheres by miniemulsion polymerization is proposed as improving the performance of composite microspheres (high magnetic response performance,controllable particle size and uniform distribution,having surface functional groups) and yield (the encapsulation efficiency of magnetic particle) in the future.
出处 《现代化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期25-29,共5页 Modern Chemical Industry
基金 浙江省自然科学基金项目(LY12B06002)
关键词 磁性纳米粒子 细乳液聚合 磁性复合微球 magnetic nanoparticles miniemulsion polymerization magnetic composite microspheres
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