

On the Dramatic Features of Modern Writers' Autobiographical Narration
摘要 为了生动、具体讲述传主的人生历程,重视和追求回顾性叙事的戏剧性成为现代自传写作的重要特征。现代作家从平凡人生故事中提炼情节要素,在人生的转折事件中强调因果关系,甚至在叙述中重组原有生活序列,预留空白、设置悬念,使文本形成特殊的"召唤结构"。在叙述中,现代作家通过场景的描绘再现最富于戏剧性的场景,从而使业已完成的故事呈现运动性特征。 In order to vividly and specifically recount the writer' s life process, it is important to emphasize and pursue the dramatic features of recollecting narration in modem autobiographi cal writing. It is found that plot elements, cause -effect relationship, life sequence, reserved slots and designated suspense are important in this sense for the special "evocation structure". In narration modem writers tend to highlight dramatic scenes through the depiction of scenes--a dynamic feature in story presentation.
作者 雷莹
出处 《贵州民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2014年第2期129-132,共4页 Journal of Guizhou Minzu University:Philosophy and Social Science
基金 福建省教育厅社会科学一般项目"文学视野下的现代自传研究"[编号:JB13298S]
关键词 现代 自传 戏剧性 modem autobiography dramatic
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