目的探讨支架半托式螺旋扩大器快速打开腭中缝后,口颌系统中牙齿、颌骨、肌肉的变化。方法 20例上颌骨发育不足伴上颌牙弓狭窄患者在快速打开腭中缝前后拍摄后前位头颅定位片,进行测量分析,同时测量颊肌压力变化。结果上颌中切牙冠间距和根间距分别增大了(4.34±1.18)mm和(3.74±1.75)mm;上颌第一磨牙间距和上颌骨宽度分别增大了(7.83±1.49)mm和(5.07±1.07)mm;上颌尖牙间宽度增大了(6.79±1.82)mm;牙槽嵴间距、前鼻嵴间距和鼻腔宽度分别增大了(4.32±0.98)mm、(3.69±0.83)mm和(2.08±0.72)mm;双侧上颌第一磨牙处颊肌压力分别增大了(857.01±300.96)Pa和(772.06±296.93)Pa。结论支架半托式螺旋扩大器可以快速打开腭中缝,牙齿、颌骨、颊肌压力均发生了显著变化。
Objective To investigate the lateral variation and long-term stability of teeth, jaw bone, and muscle in stomatognathic system after rapid palatal expansion. Methods The posteroanterior cephalogram of 20 patients with narrow maxillary arch and maxillary underdevelopment were measured and analysed, and the cheek pressure changes before and after rapid palatal expansion were measured. Results Maxillary central incisor crown spacing and root spacing increased (4.34 ± 1.18 ) mm and ( 3.74 ± 1.75 ) mm respectively; maxillary first molar spacing and maxillary width increased ( 7.83 ± 1.49 )mm and ( 5.07 ± 1.07 ) mm respectively ; maxillary canine tooth width increased ( 6.79 ± 1.82) mm; alveolar ridge spacing anterior nasal crest spacing and nasal witdth increased (4.32 ±0.98) mm, (3.69±0.83 )mm and ( 2.08 ± 0.72 ) mm respectively. The pressure of bussinator near the lest and fight maxillary first molar increased ( 857.01 ± 300.96 ) Pa and ( 772.06 ± 296.93 ) Pa respectively. Conclusion Spiral amplifier can open plahal quickly. Teeth, jaw bone and cheek muscle pressure has undergone significant changes on the horizontal. The desired effect can be obtained by using the method to correct narrow maxillary arch or maxillary underdevelopment.
Journal of Dental Prevention and Treatment
Rapid maxillary expansion
Stomatognathic system
Posteroanterior cephalogram