
国际视野下早期教育师幼比的规定与发展趋势 被引量:14

The Stipulation and Trend of Teacher to Child Ratio in Early Childhood Education in Foreign Countries
摘要 作为影响托幼机构教育质量的重要结构性因素,师幼比不仅是很多国家和地区早期教育质量认证指标,也是国际学前教育发展的质量监测指标。本文在澄清师幼比概念的基础上,对一些国家和地区早期教育师幼比的规定和趋势进行分析,发现很多国家和地区都通过制定政策和法规逐步提高托幼机构的师幼比标准,并通过配套的制度设计支持和激励各类托幼机构达到要求。 As an important structural factor influencing early childhood quality, teacher to child ratio is not only the indicator for the certification of preschool quality in many countries and regions, but also the monitoring index for the development of international early childhood education. Based on clarifying the concept of teacher to child ,this article analyzes the stipulation and trends on this issue in some countries and regions. It reveals that many countries and regions have made relevant institutions and regulati teacher to child ratio and also have designed supporting systems to help ons to gradually enhance the criterion of and encourage preschools at all levels to meet the requirement.
作者 刘焱 李相禹
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期28-34,58,共8页 International and Comparative Education
基金 2009年国家社会科学基金教育学重点课题"学前一年教育纳入义务教育的条件保障研究"(课题批准号:AHA090006 项目合同号QGB090006)的研究成果
关键词 教育质量 师幼比 班级规模 教师资质 the quality of preschool education teacher to child ratio class size the qualification of preschool teachers
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