

Hu Qiaomu's Contribution to the Development of People's Daily in the Period from June 1948 to October 1949
摘要 胡乔木是中国当代革命史上的重要历史人物,也是中国共产党在思想理论、宣传文化和历史编纂领域的重要领导人,被邓小平誉为"党内第一支笔"。1948年5月底,胡乔木担任新华社总编辑。1949年8月1,日《人民日报》升格为中共中央机关报时,兼任《人民日报》社长。胡乔木在这个重要的历史阶段中担负领导职责,对《人民日报》的发展具有重要且深远的影响。 Being one of the most important persons in the Communist Party of China' s theoretical and media management work, Hu Qiaomu devoted a lot of attention to the founding and development of People's Daily, building this once regional revolutionary newspaper into the official newspaper of the CPC at the eve of the founding of the People' s Republic of China. This article details and summarizes Hu Qiaomu' s contribution to the development of People's Daily in the period from June 1948 to October 1949 and his contributions as the first president of the newspaper. The author describes how Hu personally planned and organized the training of journalists for People's Daily while the CPC was still in war with Kuomintang; how he helped Mao Zedong to use newspaper as a weapon to defeat Kuomintang' s military offense to Shijiazhuang, and how he personally wrote a large number of very important articles while editing most of Mao Zedong's articles for People's Daily during this period. Most importantly, Hu built the first editorial board of People's Daily and guided the newspaper to perform its duty as the official newspaper of CPC before the founding and in the early years of the People's Republic of China.
作者 钱江
机构地区 人民日报社
出处 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期115-121,共7页 Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"建国初期人民日报的舆论引导和党报示范"(12BXW002)阶段性成果
关键词 胡乔木 《人民日报》 新闻出版 Hu Qiaomu People's Daily news media
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  • 1萧航.《关于华北记者团的回忆》,新华社新闻研究所编.《新华社回忆录》(2),新华出版社,1991年,第24-35页.
  • 2安岗.《进城之前》,《人民日报回忆录》,人民日报出版社,1988年,第47-48页.
  • 3林晰.《人民日报进北平从东焦村出发-进城前的点滴回忆》,人民日报《社内生活》报,2002年12月15日.
  • 4中央档案馆所藏毛泽东手稿.
  • 5中央档案馆所藏关于人民日报创办时期的档案卷宗.
  • 6崔奇.《向乔木同志学习写评论》,《胡乔木传》编辑组编.《我所知道的胡乔木》,当代中国出版社,2012年,第193页.
  • 7《北平人民要求国民党反动政府对南京血案表明态度》,《人民日报》,1949年4月5日.








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