
一种使用局部空间统计量的高分辨率影像显著结构提取方法 被引量:2

A Method of Spatial Salient Structure Extraction Using Local Spatial Statistics in High Resolution Images
摘要 使用三个局部空间统计量(局部Moran’s I、局部Geary’s C和Getis)来建模影像的空间依赖性,提出了一种简单有效的获取影像显著结构的方法。该方法通过对空间依赖强度特征图像进行3D阈值化来获取影像的同质区或边缘结构,实验结果表明了这三个局部空间统计量在建模影像空间依赖性和获取显著结构方面的性能差异。 Homogeneous regions or edges are important structural information for object recognition and extraction in high resolution remote sensing images. This paper considers the homogeneous re-gions and edges from the perspective of spatial dependence, which is a measure of the spatial associa- tion between the pixel values in the image. Spatial dependence is one of the spatial characteristics of high resolution images. Based on the measure to spatial dependence using local spatial statistics (local Moran's I, local Geary's C and Getis), this paper proposes a simple, effective method of extracting spatial salient structures (homogeneous regions or edges) which adopts a new technique of 3D thresh-olding for spatial dependence intensity. Comparative experiments show the potential and performance differences of three statistics in modeling spatial dependence and extracting spatial salient structures.
出处 《武汉大学学报(信息科学版)》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期531-535,共5页 Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University
基金 国家973计划资助项目(2012CB719903) 高分辨率遥感交通应用示范项目(07-Y30A05-9001-12/13) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金资助项目(201121302020010)~~
关键词 空间依赖 局部空间统计量 3D阈值化 结构 spatial dependence local spatial statistics 3D thresholding structure
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