
利用COSMIC掩星资料分析南极地区对流层顶变化 被引量:6

Analysis of Antarctic Tropopause with COSMIC Occultation Data
摘要 利用201i年全年的南极地区的COSMIC掩星资料,反演了大气温度剖面,进而提取对流层项参数(温度和高度),定量分析了南极地区对流层顶的时空变化特征。在南极地区,温度递减率对流层顶比最冷点对流层顶更准确,且掩星反演法与臭氧、无线电探空仪等结果基本一致。南极对流层顶整体表现为位相相反的一波结构,温度变化范围为200~230K,高度变化范围为9~11km。南极地区对流层顸在冬季和春季“消失”,在夏季和秋季出现逆温层。南极地区对流层顶温度在冬季和春季表现出明显的梯度特征,纬度方向上,极点附近低,四周较高;经度方向上,西南极地区较低。 Using COSMIC occultation data in 2011, the atmospheric temperature profiles in Antarctica are inversed, and the tropopause parameters (temperature and altitude) are extracted. The spatial and temporal Antarctic tropopause variations are analyzed quantitatively. In Antarctica, the temperature lapse rate tropopause is more accurate than the coldest point tropopause, and the occultation method is the same as ozonesonde and radiosonde. The Antarctic tropopause shows one wave structure with con- trary phase, temperature ranges from 200 K to 230 K, the height from 9 km to 11 km. Antarctic trop- opause disappears in winter and spring, and occurs inversion layer in summer and autumn. The tropo-pause temperature in winter and spring shows significant gradient feature. In latitude direction, the temperature is low near the pole, high around; in longitude direction, the temperature is lower in the West Antarctica.
出处 《武汉大学学报(信息科学版)》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期605-610,共6页 Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(41174029 41204028 41231064) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(121001) 国家海洋局极地科学重点实验室开放基金资助项目(KP201201) 南北极环境综合考察与评估专项资助项目(CHINARE)~~
关键词 无线电掩星 COSMIC 南极 对流层顶 radio occultation COSMIC Antarctica tropopause
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