
环境剧变、文化断裂与伊克化 被引量:3

Environmental Change,Cultural Break and National Iksization
摘要 人类生存繁衍的过程,是一种环境适应和自身发展的过程.人与环境的相互作用产生了文化,文化是人地关系的一种结果和文明的最高表现形式.一个人群生存的地理环境剧变,传统文化骤断,可能导致该人群的心理孤独和精神蜕变,进而出现"伊克综合症".快速城市化过程则会加重伊克效应.中国在"文化大革命"前后和改革开放之后,先后经历了文化突变和地理环境的剧烈变迁,如今又进入了快速城市化阶段.大量社会现象表明,中国部分人群出现了伊克化的不良征兆.如果不能及早认识伊克化的严重后果并考虑应对策略,则伊克化过程将与城市化过程一起,诱发中国社会的畸形成长以及地理空间上的病态格局. A nation' s iksization arises from radical change of geographical environments and break of traditional culture. If natural environments and social culture change drastically, a nation will become lonely, and the result is vi- ciousness of human behaviors. The process of iksization is often correlated with urbanization because that the transfer of population from rural regions to urban regions gives rise to abrupt changes of culture and environments. Unfortunately, the symptom of iksization has appeared among parts of Chinese people after a long latent period, which suggests the time lag between the cause and effect of geographical process. This is due to the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution ( 1966-1976), which led to both environmental and cultural breakage. Since the introduction of the policies of reform and opening-up at the end of 1978 and with the gradual establishment of a socialist market economic system from 1992, China' s national economy and cities developed rapidly. However, this development inflicted heavy losses of geograph- ical environments due to absence of a rule of law.
作者 陈彦光
出处 《信阳师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第2期199-203,共5页 Journal of Xinyang Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41171129 51078003)
关键词 人地关系 地理环境 文化 城市化 伊克化 伊克效应 时滞效应 man-land relation geographical environment culture urbanization/urbanism iksization Iks effect time-lag effect
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