In this paper, we use data of Chinese listed companies from 2010 to 2012 to examine the effect of Board Capital on Corporate Governance. We develop a model of board capital, which is composed of the heterogeneity and embeddedness of directors' human and social capital, and try to find out the effect of the above two on corporate governance. Recognizing the interdependent nature of the human and social capital of directors, we propose the model the can isolate the relevant aspects of the human and social capital of the directors with respect to their resource provision capa- bility and aggregate these aspects from the individual to the board level. Building upon agency theory and resource dependence theory, we use Blau's heterogeneity index in order to analyze the heteroge- neity of board capital and we submit that the heterogeneity of board capital leads to better corporate governance. In this part, firstly, we discuss the heterogeneity of board capital on directors' function has no statistically significant effect on corporate governance. Secondly, we find that the heterogeneity of board capital on directors' occu- pation is significantly propitious to corporate governance strategy. Thirdly, we believe that the heterogeneity of board capital on di- rectors' part-time job also significantly raises the level of corporate governance. On the other hand, we use the percentage of the boards 'characteristics to analyze the embeddedness of board capital and we believe that the embeddedness of board capital has some adverse effects on corporate governance. In this part, we find that directors with the in-depth experiences in the industry of sample firms have negative effect on corporate governance. But directors with two or more part-time jobs in the industry of sample firms are positive to corporate governance. Consequently, the result of this paper partial supports the hypothesis of the effect of board capital on corporate governance.
Nankai Business Review
Board Capital
Corporate Governance
Agency Theory
Resource Dependence Theory