
高星级酒店管理人员自我管理与工作投入——基于心理授权与个体同组织匹配的作用机制 被引量:3

Self-management and Job Involvement of the Management in High-star Hotels —Based on the Mechanism of Psychological Empowerment and Person-Organization Fit
摘要 自我管理是近年来颇受关注的管理学研究内容。而对于管理人员,自我管理更是关乎工作绩效与自我发展的关键因素。文章以高星级酒店管理人员作为研究对象,探究了自我管理对工作投入的影响,以及心理授权在该影响过程中的中介作用,个体同组织匹配在该影响过程中的调节作用。研究结果显示:高星级酒店管理人员自我管理水平对工作投入存在正向影响;而管理人员自我管理与工作投入的关系受到心理授权的中介影响;管理人员自我管理与工作投入的关系还受到个体同组织匹配的正向调节作用,即个体同组织高匹配程度下,则自我管理与工作投入的关系效应受到强化;而个体同组织低匹配程度下,则自我管理对工作投入的影响效应受到削弱。 Management researchers pay more and more attention to self-management in the recent years. Self-managment is a critical factor which affects performance and self-development of the management. This paper invesligates,by taking the management in highstar hotels as the research object, how self-management influences job involvenlenl, and lhe mediating effectof the psyehological empowerment and the moderating effect of the person-organization fit in the corresponding process. The resuits show the following impacts on the management of high-star hotels: the level of sell'management has a posilive inlpact on job involvement; psychological empowerment has a mediating effect in the relationstlip between self-,nanagement and job in volvement; person-organization fit has a positive moderating effect in the relationship between self-management and job in volvement, it means that the relationship between sell-management will be strengthened under the high level of person-organi zation fit, while the relationship between self-management will be weakened under the low level of person-organization fit.
作者 郭倩倩 胡兵
出处 《华东经济管理》 CSSCI 2014年第5期109-113,共5页 East China Economic Management
基金 黄山学院校级课题(2013xsk005)
关键词 自我管理 工作投入 心理授权 个体同组织匹配 self-management job involvement psychological empowerment person-organization fit
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