
“新医改”背景下乡镇卫生院医患信任的特征和影响因素 被引量:4

The Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Doctor- patient Trust in Township Hospitals under the New Health Care Reform
摘要 从医患信任的视角,对"新医改"过程中出台的各项政策进行分析。其中"收支两条线"政策的实施改变了乡镇卫生院的管理模式,消除了一些造成医患关系紧张的体制因素。"公共卫生均等化"等政策引导了乡镇卫生院服务方式的转变,入村服务和健康管理增加了卫生院医生和患者的亲密程度,从而构建了医患信任的基础。但同时为保证"新农合"等制度的顺利运行,卫生院也实行了各种限制开药的措施,再加上来自"基本药物零差率"制度的限制和规定,导致乡镇卫生院患者就诊满意度下降,并倾向于把这些随新政策而来的不便和不适应归咎于乡镇卫生院和医生,产生了误解,成为新政策磨合时期维护医患信任的新困难。 This paper analyzed some policies of new health care reform from the perspective of doctor -patient trust.The implementation of the policy of income and expenses in two lines has changed the management mode of township hospitals , eliminated some factors harming the doctor -patient relationship .The policy of "equalization of public health"and other policies have guided the hospitals to change the way of service , service and health man-agement into the village increased the degree of doctor -patient trust .But at the same time , to ensure the new health care reform run smoothly , township hospitals introduced various ways of prescribing restraints .In addition , the policy of zero profit for basic drugs also brought some restrictions and regulations , resulting in a decline of satis-faction of patients , who have a tendency to blame the hospitals and doctors for these inconveniences .This misun-derstanding has becomed the new difficulties for doctor -patient trust as policy running .
出处 《中国医学伦理学》 2014年第2期173-176,共4页 Chinese Medical Ethics
基金 2012年北京市哲学社会科学规划项目"人的尊严与生命伦理研究" 项目编号:12ZXC010
关键词 新医改 乡镇卫生院 医患信任 医患关系 New Health Care Reform Township Hospital Doctor-patient Trust Doctor-patient Relation-ship
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