
卫生资源配置公平基准评价框架及其对中国的借鉴 被引量:2

Fair Benchmarks of Evaluation Framework for Health Resource Allocation and Its Reference for China
摘要 介绍了丹尼尔斯等人所建构的卫生系统公平基准评价框架,及其在卫生资源配置公平性评价方面的发展性应用。并介绍了公共卫生资源合理配置的公平基准评价修正框架。根据修正框架中的基准及其分标准,衡量中国目前卫生资源的分配情况,发现中国的公共卫生服务干预措施已取得较好的成绩。但公共部门治理、宏观经济与社会政策环境、问责机制等因素可能会制约卫生体制的完善。而中国卫生财政支出配置在省际之间、城乡之间、不同阶层之间存在一定的不公平。中国可以借助公共卫生领域的新基准,推动卫生资源配置公平性改革实施重点,制定有效的社会卫生策略。 This paper introduced the fair benchmarks of evaluation framework for health system constructed by Daniels, et al, and its developmental application in evaluation of health resource allocation fairness .After introdu-cing the resources rational allocation of public health fair benchmarking fixed framework , this paper assessed the al-location of health resources according to the fixed framework .China has achieved good results in public health serv-ice interventions .But public sector governance , macro economic and social policy environment , factors such as ac-countability may restrict the improvement of the health care system .China's health expenditure allocations have un-fairness between provinces , urban and rural areas and different classes .China can use the new benchmark in the field of public health to promote the reform of health resource allocation fairness , make effective social health strate-gies.
作者 峗怡 贺加
出处 《中国医学伦理学》 2014年第2期200-202,共3页 Chinese Medical Ethics
基金 国家社科基金青年项目(13CZX082) 重庆市决策咨询与管理创新一般项目(CSTC 2013jccxA0225)
关键词 公平基准 卫生资源配置 公平性评价 公共部门治理 社会卫生策略 Fair Benchmarks Health Resource Allocation Evaluation on Fairness Public Sector Govern-ance Social Health Strategy
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