In the expansive International Horticultural Expo Park, the volunteers are distributed at every work post. The volunteers serving the International Horticultural Expo can be divided into the volunteers serving the hark operation and the volunteers serving the city operation. The volunteers serving the parkoperation provide free service for the visitors in the International Horticultural Expo Park and the organizer of the International Horticultural Expo. Their service scope covers guests reception, language translation, information consultancy, guiding the visitors, serving the visitors, offering aids to the disabled, liaisons, assisting operation of the pavilions, assisting the press operation, assisting the cultural activity organizing, and the volunteer service work designated by the Executive Committee of the International Horticultural Expo. The volunteers serving the city operation are responsible for providing the service concerning publicity, information consultancy, language translation, and emergency aid at the important traffic hubs, commercial sites, tourist attractions, restaurants and hotels and the cultural activity venues where people gather.