
基于风险评估的国家化学品管理体系——机遇与挑战(英文) 被引量:1

Using a risk-based approach in national chemical management programs: challenges and opportunities
摘要 尽管主要发达国家的化学品管理体系已经运行了30多年,但诸多不完善使这些体系仍然不断面临挑战。这些因素包括数据的质量和数量,对监管工作人员与资源的需求增长,危害和暴露评估方法的演变,以及化学品管理究竟是应该基于风险(危害和暴露)还是基于危害的争鸣。新兴国家和发展中国家在建立各自的化学品管理体系的过程中,迫切希望借鉴发达国家的经验,减少或避免已往失误和现存的缺陷。即使如此,正在新建或完善的国家管理体系,也还会面临着相同的命题或者新的挑战。本文着重以个人的亲身经验,评述了美国和欧洲已有的管理体系和正在完善的中国的化学品管理体系,这些体系的一些关键元素,以及危害、暴露与风险评估方法演变所带来的挑战,并就如何进一步改进和完善化学品管理体系提出了个人的见解和建议。 Although che mical manage ment progra ms have been in place in several countries for more than 30 years they continue to be chal enged by factors such as data quality and quantity,greater de mand on regulatory staff and re-sources,an evolution in hazard and exposure assess ment methods,and continued debate about manage ment progra ms that are risk-based (hazard and exposure)or hazard-based.Countries developing their own che mical manage ment pro-gra ms often wish to learn fro m the experience of others,and thereby have progra ms that either reduce or eli minate so me of the proble ms associated with existing progra ms.However,often even new progra ms face the sa me or new proble ms that have been associated with managing che micals.In this paper we su mmarize so me of the ele ments of existing pro-gra ms in the United States and Europe,the developing progra m in China,and the chal enges associated with the evolution of hazard,exposure and risk assess ment methods.We conclude by suggesting areas where further research may be use-ful for i mproving che mical manage ment progra ms.
出处 《中国药理学与毒理学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期145-153,共9页 Chinese Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology
关键词 化学品管理 风险评估 风险管理 chemical management risk assessment risk management
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