目的:了解我国焙烤食品消费量及其中反式脂肪酸(TFA)含量,评估北京及广州两大城市3岁及以上人群焙烤食品中 TFA 的摄入量及其供能。方法2011年在中国5个城市采集焙烤食品样品,采用国家标准气相色谱法测定 TFA 含量;以 t-检验方法分析2007年前后各类焙烤食品中 TFA 含量差异,用简单分布模型(确定性评估)进行 TFA 摄入评估,计算每个个体每日 TFA 的摄入水平,包括不同人群(全人群及各年龄组)TFA 摄入量(每天摄入 TFA 的克数),以及 TFA 供能占膳食摄入总能量的百分比。结果各类焙烤食品中 TFA 平均含量在每100 g 食物0.01~0.83 g 范围内。饼干、面包和糕点中 TFA 含量≤0.3 g /100 g的样品比例分别为77.1%,71.8%和67.0%。每100 g 食物平均 TFA 含量较高的食品为威化饼干、夹心饼干,泡芙、蛋糕、牛角/羊角面包,为0.65~0.83 g。夹心饼干和派中 TFA 含量,2007年后比2007年前有显著下降(P<0.01)。北京与广州人群通过焙烤食品摄入的 TFA 为0.049 g·d -1,供能比为0.027%,远低于“小于1%”的 WHO 建议值。在所有年龄组中,3~6岁年龄组的 TFA 摄入量最高,供能比为0.041%。结论我国焙烤食品大部分 TFA 含量较低,北京及广州全人群焙烤食品 TFA 引发的健康风险极低。但部分焙烤食品中 TFA 含量较高,建议进一步降低焙烤食品中 TFA 含量。
OBJECTIVE To investigate trans-fatty acids (TFA)contents in bakery food and assess TFA intake via bakery food and its energy contribution in Beijing and Guangzhou city.METHODS Bak-ery food sa mples were collected in 201 1 ,standard GC-method were used to determine TFA content,da-ta of TFA content were analyzed by t-test to evaluate for statistically significant differences.Si mple distri-bution model(determinative risk assess ment)of TFA intake was used to calculate individual TFA intake per day(g·d -1 ,% of total energy)in different populations(grouped by ages).RESULTS Average TFA content was ranging fro m 0.01 to 0.83 g /100 g sa mple in various kinds of bakery food.TFA con-tents were equal to or lower than 0.3 g /100 g in 77.1 % of biscuits,71 .8% of bread,67.0% of pas-tries.Wafer biscuit,sandwich biscuit,puff,cake,and croissants had higher TFA contents than others, and the level was 0.65 -0.83 g /100 g sa mple.TFA content in sandwich biscuit and pie decreased sig-nificantly after 2007.Average TFA intake via bakery food was 0.049 g·d -1 in Beijing and Guangzhou city,energy contribution was 0.027% which was far below the WHO reco mmended level (1 %). Population that are 3 to 6 years old had highest TFA intake and the TFA energy contribution was 0.041 %.CONCLUSION Most of bakery products in China contained low levels of TFA;consequently, health risk caused by TFA intake in Beijing and Guangzhou was unlikely to be a concerned.However, so me type of bakery foods had higher TFA contents which could be of greater concerned for risk management.
Chinese Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology
trans-fatty acids
bakery foods
exposure assessment