本文提出了在烧结厂建设铁精矿南、西两个中和混匀料场以及 2 #卸料线 ,区外铁精矿全部直付入厂 ,减少二次倒运的设想。剖析了目前现状、存在的问题 ,对建设混匀料场进行可行性研究 ,并对混匀料场的工艺布置、设备选型及投资概算提出较为详尽的意见。
The paper raises the imagination of establishing two mixture stock grounds of iron concentrate in the south and west and 2# discharging line.So the iron concentrate ore can be transported to the Sintering Plant without the second transportation.It also analyzes the present condition,problems and feasibility of building it and points out the process layout,equipment selection,and general estimate of investment.
Science & Technology of Baotou Steel