

Finance Law Supervision of China’s Shadow Banking
摘要 近期媒体广泛传播和各方热烈讨论的"107号文"将近年来颇受关注的影子银行问题更为突出地摆在了大众的面前,本文即对这一问题进行梳理和讨论。首先,本文对影子银行的内涵进行了全面的考察,并结合我国现实对我国影子银行的具体表现形式进行了准确而富有特色的界定,深刻而又全面地勾勒出了我国影子银行的全貌。接着,本文对我国影子银行的效应进行了正反两方面的分析,并进一步指出我们应对之持有的基本态度。在此基础上,本文分析了我国的金融法规制现状,并指出了对我国影子银行进行规制的路径,为实现对我国影子银行的有效监管指明了方向,并系统地列举了具有操作性的措施。 "No. 107" , which is widely spread by media and heatedly discussed by the public, has made the shadow banking problems more prominent to the public. This article is to comb and discuss this issue. First, this paper investigates the connotation of shadow banking comprehensively, and has defined the specific construe- tion form of shadow shadow banking banking accurately and distinctively, combined with the reality of our country, and outlines profoundly and comprehensively. Then, the paper analyzes the effect of shadow banking positive- ly and negatively, and further points out the basic attitude we should hold. On this basis, the paper analyzes the present situation of China' s finance law supervision, and points out the way to supervise shadow banking, which has pointed out the direction for its effective supervision over shadow banking in China, and lists operable meas- ures systematically.
作者 胡旭鹏
机构地区 华东政法大学
出处 《保险职业学院学报》 2014年第2期56-60,共5页 Journal of Insurance Professional College
关键词 影子银行 金融法 监管 Shadow Banking Finance Law Supervision
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