本文分析了高炉渣综合利用的途径 ,针对包钢高炉渣的排放及其特性 ,进行利用高炉渣 ,粉煤灰制做建筑砌块的试验和研究。结果表明生产的砌块各项指标匀达到建筑要求 ,为今后包钢高炉渣的综合利用提供了技术依据。
The paper analyzes the methods for comprehensive utilization of BF slag.On the study of release and properties of it at Baotou Steel,it presents the BF slag utilization,makes test and study of fly air preparing building blocks.The results show the indices can meet the construction requirement,and provide references for comprehensive utilization in future at Baotou Steel.
Science & Technology of Baotou Steel