
试析奥巴马政府第二任期亚太再平衡战略走向 被引量:4

The Asia-Pacific Rebalancing Strategy in Obama′s Second Term
摘要 美国亚太再平衡战略在2013年显现一定程度的'失速',主要原因包括奥巴马政府外交受内政因素牵制程度增大,中东问题在美外交议程中的优先性有所回升等。虽然这些限制性因素在未来若干年仍将持续,但不应忽视奥巴马政府落实亚太再平衡战略展现出的务实聚焦、深耕细作等特点,不应低估美国加大对亚太地区政策资源投入、重塑和巩固其对地区事务主导权的决心。中国需认清奥巴马政府对外战略'力避负担、总体求稳'的特点,以及美国在政策资源、信誉度、管理盟友体系等方面存在的限制,抓住时机,主动作为,积极促进中美在亚太互动关系的良性调整。 America′s Asia-Pacific rebalancing strategy in Obama′s second term confronts a number of challenges, including domestic political pressure,military budget cuts and the reprioritizing of the Middle East issue on American foreign policy agenda.Most policy constraints will last for years,but the Obama administration,however,has been implementing this strategy in more focused and pragmatic manner.It is determined to invest considerable policy resources in the Asia-Pacific region and revitalize its domination in regional economic and security affairs with as low costs as possible.China should properly assess US policy constraints in terms of mobilizing military and diplomatic resources,maintaining its credibility and managing the alliance system.China can play more proactive role in building up cooperative and positive China-US interactions in Asia.
作者 赵明昊
出处 《国际论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期1-6,共6页 International Forum
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目'中国国际战略环境预测与国家应对战略研究'(项目批准号:09JZ0040-1 项目合同号:09JZDH040-1)的成果之一
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  • 2James Politi, "Obama's bid for Fast-Track Trade Authority Runs into Trouble," Financial Times, November 4,2013.
  • 3Ely Ratner and Thomas Wright, "America's not in decline; it's on the rise," The Washington Post, October 18,2013.
  • 4Nikolas Gvosdev, "The Realist Prism: Asia Pivot to Suffer as Obama's Attention Returns to Middle East," The World Politics Review, September 27, 2013.
  • 5Sabrina Tsai, "Obama's Second Term in the Asia-Pacific Region," Project 2049 Institute Report, September 2013.
  • 6Michael Doran, "Is Obama like Ike?" Commentary Magazine, October 1, 2013.
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  • 9Guy Taylor, "US Military dominance in Pacific in decline, says top admiral," The Washington Times, January 16,2014.
  • 10Victor Cha and Karl Friedhoff, "Ending a Feud Between Allies," The New York Times, November 14, 2013.


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  • 3Ashley Frohwein.Whither America’’s Asia Rebalance?Lessons learned and prospects for the future. http://cftni.org/2013%2010%2022-AsiaEventSummary-2.pdf . 2013
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  • 8Rosemary Foot.The US Rebalance OffBalance:Missing the party in Asia. http://politicsinspires.org/us-rebalance-balance-missing-party-asia/ . 2013



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