
橡胶隔震支座的统一力学模型 被引量:7

A generalized mechanical model for elastomeric bearings
摘要 基础隔震作为一种有效的结构抗震技术,在近二十年得到了广泛的应用,而橡胶隔震支座作为常用的隔震设备,其力学性能对基础隔震结构的地震响应分析有重要影响。首先,本文提出了一种宏观滞回模型用于描述支座在水平方向加载的力学性能并通过实验验证了该模型的正确性,该滞回模型可以反映加载位移相关性和加载历史相关性对支座力学性能的影响;而后,本文将该滞回模型引入Koh-Kelly模型的框架内,提出一种力学模型用于描述支座竖向承载力和水平刚度之间的耦联效应;最后,本文在ABAQUS有限元软件中进行了橡胶隔震支座力学模型二次开发,并通过数值算例对比支座在不同竖向荷载作用下的力学行为。 As an effective technology for protecting structures from the damaging effects of earthquakes, base isola- tion has been widely applied during the last two decades. Therefore, it is very important to study the mechanical behavior of elastomeric bearings since they are the most commonly used isolation devices. Firstly, a hysteretic mod- el is presented to simulate the mechanical behavior of elastomeric bearings under horizontal loading. This model can reflect the influence of displacement-dependence and loading history dependence on the mechanical behavior of elastomeric bearings . The accuracy of the hysteretic model is then verified by bearing tests. Next, to predict the coupling effect between the horizontal stiffness and vertical bearing capacity , the hysteretic model is introduced into the frame of Koh-Kelly mechanical model. In addition , the mechanical model has been introduced into ABAQUS finite element software as a user-defined element and a numerical example is given to compare the hysteretic behav- ior of elastomeric bearings under different vertical pressures.
出处 《地震工程与工程振动》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期167-171,共5页 Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Dynamics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51008134)
关键词 隔震橡胶支座力学模型 位移相关 加载历史相关 竖向力相关 高阻尼橡胶隔震支座 Koh—Kelly模型 mechanical model of elastomeric bearings displacement-dependence loading history dependence vertical load-dependence high damping rubber bearing Koh-Kelly mechanical model
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