
基于五运六气学说的慢性心力衰竭患者发病与出生日期关联性分析(英文) 被引量:3

Correlation analysis on the attack of chronic heart failure and date of birth based on the theory of f ive evolutive phases and six climatic factors
摘要 目的:探讨慢性心力衰竭患者发病、中医证型、证素与出生日期五运六气相同属性因子叠加效应的关联性。方法:收集17家中医院慢性心力衰竭患者相关资料,分析出生日期五运六气因子的分布,采用非参数检验分析患者与总体人群出生日期五运六气相同属性因子叠加分布的差异,采用Logistic回归分析出生日期五运六气因子与证素的关联性。结果:纳入1 013例患者,患者与总体人群出生日期的五运六气相同属性因子叠加分布无显著性差异,Logistic回归显示司天的太阳(ST5)是慢性心力衰竭患者气虚证和阴虚证的危险因素,客气的太阴(KQ2)是血瘀证的危险因素,主气的太阳(ZQ5)是水停证的危险因素。结论:慢性心力衰竭患者出生日期五运六气相同属性因子叠加效应对发病、证素的影响未显示出显著性差异,出生日期五运六气因子对疾病的影响并非如预想的那么重要。 Objective: To investigate the relationship between incidence, syndrome, syndrome factors of chronic heart failure (CHF) patients and overlap effect of same factors in five evolutive phases and six climatic factors (FEPSCF) based on date of birth. Methods: Date of birth of CHF patients were obtained from 17 TCM hospitals from May 2009 to August 2012. Based on the theory of FEPSCF, we analyzed the relationship between the incidence of CHF and FEPSCF of date of birth. We also analyzed the relationship between syndrome factors and FEPSCF. Results: Totally 1 013 CHF patients were included. There was no difference between Zhongyun distribution of date of CHF patients' birth (2,2=1.289, P=0.863). In Sitian, there was significant difference between six climatic factors of CHF patients' date of birth 0(2=25.474, P〈0.001). In Zaiquan, the incidence of CHF in the 3rd qi was the highest, while that in the 1st qi was the lowest (X2=25.474, P〈0.001). There was no difference between actual and expecting incidence of CHF in different overlap number of six climatic factors in each evolutive phase.With logistic regression analysis, the sig value of all FEPSCF entering the equation of qi deficiency, yin deficiency, blood stasis and water retention were less than 0.05. Taiyang in Sitian (ST5) was a risk factor to CHF patients with qi deficiency and yin deficiency syndrome factor, taiyin in Keqi (KQ2) was a risk factor to CHF patients with blood stasis syndrome factor, and taiyang in Zhuqi (ZQ5) was a risk factor to CHF patients with water retention syndrome factor. Except ZQ5 for water retention, the OR [Exp(B)] value of qi deficiency, yin deficiency and blood stasis syndrome factors were greater than 1. Conclusion: Overlap effect of same factors in FEPSCF based on date of birth does not show a significant effect on incidence, syndrome and syndrome factors of CHF patients. The effect of FEPSCF features of date of birth on the disease is not as important as imagined.
出处 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期1721-1725,共5页 China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy
基金 Beijing Natural Science Foundation(No.7112077) Natural Science Foundation of China(No.81102839) National Science and Technology Major Project(No.2012ZX09103201-011)~~
关键词 慢性心力衰竭 中医学 证素 五运六气学说 Chronic heart failure Traditional Chinese medicine Syndrome factor Five evolutive phases and sixclimatic factors
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