
在线社交网络中人际信任的影响因素研究 被引量:17

A Study on Influence Factors of Interpersonal Trust in Online Social Networks
摘要 网络人际信任是随着虚拟网络社会的来临而出现的一种新社会问题,也是现实人际信任在网络空间的部分映射。由于网络虚拟社会具有虚拟性、交互性、开放性、平等性、多元性等社会特征,人与人之间信任关系的建立必然不同于现实社会,它必然受到网络虚拟社会中相关因素的影响。该研究以"90后"大学生为对象,围绕"网络信任情境结构模型"探讨了个体人、情境、媒介三方面因素对网络人际信任关系建构的影响。研究发现:社会个体中的施信者与被信者、社会情境中的现实情境与网络情境、传播媒介中的交流方式与媒介定位等因素影响网络人际信任建构的机制。其中,社会个体在网络空间的自我呈现及个体相似性会对网络人际信任的初建产生重要影响作用;社会现实情境通过长期作用于社会个体使其形成稳定的信任观念而影响个体在网络空间的信任建构行为,而网络情境因素则直接影响网络人际信任建构的类型;交流媒介可电子化再现的非言语信息的种类及数量的多寡、媒介功能及服务定位等也会对网络人际信任产生一定的影响作用。 Online interpersonal trust is a kind of new social problems following with the virtual society, and it is the real interpersonal trust part mapping in the cyberspace. Because of the virtualness, interactivity, openness, equality, diversity and other social characters of virtual society, the construction of interpersonal trust is different from the real society, it must be influenced by factors related to network in the virtual society. The study takes "post-90" college students as example to discuss the impact of individual, situation and media on the construction of online interpersonal trust based on "Online Situational Trust Framework Model". It finds that the social individuals (trustors and trustees), social situation (real and virtual contexts), the media (the means of communication and the media orientation) and other factors can influence the mechanism of the construction of online interpersonal trust. Among them, the self-presentation of individual in cyberspace and individual similarity has important effect in the beginning of the online interpersonal trust. The real situation can affect the construction behavior of online interpersonal trust through making individual form stable trust in long-term social life. And the virtual situation can directly affect the types of online interpersonal trust. The kinds and quantity of nonverbal cues that the media can reproduce digitally, the function and service of media will also have some influence on the construction of online interpersonal trust.
作者 谢英香 冯锐
出处 《中国电化教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期11-19,25,共10页 China Educational Technology
基金 "国家哲学社会科学基金项目"(项目编号:12BXW048)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 网络社交 人际信任 自我呈现 非言语信息 Online Social Communication Interpersonal Trust Self-presentation Nonverbal Cues
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