
信息技术助推学校转型——英特尔~教育变革及技术整合研究项目上海项目研究报告 被引量:12

Transforming Schools with Information Technology——Shanghai Evaluation Program for Intel~ Education Technology Integration Research
摘要 2011-2015年期间上海基础教育信息化建设目标是通过数字化课程环境建设,打造数字课堂和云教育互动学习平台,丰富学生的学习方式,实现学生自主、便捷、高效、个性化的学习。技术促进教育变革的实施策略是在确立发展路线图后,用渐进的方式逐步逼近既定的目标。上海在2010年实施"电子书包"项目,与国际上的实验几乎同步,没有完整的可借鉴的成功经验,需要用探索的精神走出一条新路。该项目综合技术整合关键和政策干预措施的调研,着眼于技术促进变革的案例研究,选择开展一对一数字化学习已有2年历史的上海的6所中小学作为样本,观察课堂、教师、学生乃至学校是怎么变化的,通过明晰问题、案例挖掘和发现提炼等三个环节,拓展现有发展路线图的解释力。同时,报告认为,改变课堂是上海基础教育实现转型的具有关键意义的第一步,但改变以实施基础型课程为主的课堂并不是转型的全部,从改变课堂到超越课堂,实现以发展学生面向21世纪能力为目标的课程重构,是实施教育转型具有开拓意义的第二步,在超越课堂的过程中,技术支持的基于项目学习是一条有效的途径。基于案例,该项目展现出了课堂重构的途径。 The school transformation goals of Shanghai K-12 education in 2011-2015 are to create digital classrooms and interactive learning platforms based on cloud computing in order to enrich students' learning methods, promote student autonomy, and provide convenient, efficient, and personalized learning opportunities through digital curriculum environment construction. The strategy of using technology to transform classrooms is to design a development roadmap first, and then to approach its targets step by step. Shanghai's "e-schoolbag" project was implemented in 2010, and almost simultaneously started in many other countries. Thus, there has been not much successful experience to be learned from and used for reference, which means we are blazing a new path with a spirit of exploration. This evaluation program consisted of case studies of education transformation supported by technology integration. For observations to see what changes were occurring among students, teachers, and schools, we selected six schools that had done one-to-one e-learning pilot studies for at least two years. We adopted a three-phase research methodology: identifying transtbrmation problems, analyzing practical cases, and refining data, to effectively explain the roadmap of technology integration in Shanghai schools. Based on the school pilot studies, the report shows that changing teaching and learning in classrooms is the first important step of education transformation in Shanghai K-12 education, but it is far from enough to prepare students' 21stcentury skills. Therefore, extending learning beyond classrooms with project-based approaches will be the second step that will relate students' learning to real problems and the real world. Technology has become all important part of this transformation. The practice of these six schools has proved this and has shown us the effective way of reconstructing curriculum.
出处 《中国电化教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期44-57,共14页 China Educational Technology
关键词 一对一数字化学习 课堂教学 基于项目的学习 One-to-One e-Learning Teaching and Learning in Classrooms Project-Based Learning
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  • 3上海中小学(幼儿园)课程改革々题网[DB/OL].http://www.shkegai.net/index/index.aspx.2013-11-11.
  • 4A Report on 10 Years of ACOT Research[DB/OL].http://imet.csus.edu/ imel 1/baeza/PDF%20Files/U pload/10yr.pdf,2013-11 - 11.
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