In the practice of construction engineer- ing, there are a lot of contracts of yin and Yang. In this situation, it exists the absence of special tax- related clauses and the deficiency of the total con- tract price, the payment time, the clauses of tax in- voice and so on. This situation not only leads to the drain on tax payment but also brings the enterprises legal risks. In order to prevent the tax legal risks, ~t needs to improve the tax laws relating to construcLion )rojects and play the guiding role of the tax authori- ties in making construction contract model text and set the special tax -related clauses in the construction contract. It also needs to clear the tax-related items, such as the part of tax burden, categories of taxes, the quality of money, the payment time, mode of payment, place of payment and agree on the processing method of tax dispute.
Special Zone Economy
the construction contracts
tax -relatedclauses
the prevention of legal risks