马克思关于总供给和总需求的均衡和非均衡理论,是宏观调控的科学的理论基础。这个理论的要点主要包括:1 再生产公式所揭示的总供给和总需求均衡的一般实现条件;2 价值规律是实现总供给和总需求均衡的内在机制;3 总供求的失衡、总供给大于总需求成为常态,是高度发达的、以信用和大生产为基础的商品经济内在矛盾发展的必然结果,它使宏观调控成为必要。
The author maintains that the scientific theoretical foundation of macro regulation and control lies in theory of balance and unbalance in Marxism. This theory includes three major points: 1. the general requirement for realization of balance of total supply and total demand as indicated by the formula of reproduction; 2. law of value as internal mechanism for realization of this balance; and 3. unbalance manifested in a higher total supply than the total demand as the inevitable consequence of highly developed commodity economy based on credit and mass production. It is this point that justifies macro regulation and control.
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