In modem literature we sometimes encounter literary manifestations of religious "antinomianism," i.e. a set of ideas and behaviors opened around the postulation of some religious sphere outside or beyond the socially ratified realm of law ("nomos"). In Christianity it can be seen as one consequence of Paul's invention of the idea of "Justification by Faith." It also involves, on a more abstract plane, the disruption or reversal of dualistic distinctions. Walt Whitman's poetry, with its visionary affirmation of everything in the universe, involves the crisis- ridden impulse to catalog and affirm things and events good and evil, and touches on the limit of the order of reasonable distinction.Buddhism sometimes exhibits its own form of antinomianism, the dissolution of dualistic oppositions: the very opposition between illusion and dis-illusion, which is the precondition for its teaching, in some context could look illusory; then the true dis- illusion would be its abandonment and the intuition of the identity of the two. In the history of Japanese reception of Whitman, there have been some instances, notably the case of Matuura Hajime, where the Buddhist form of antinomianism intervened.And if some similarity is found between an aspect of Whitman and a certain strain within Buddhism, it should be understood with regard to the poet's basic worldview. In the face of the world's evil and misery, after the disappearance of a God that might positively right wrongs, a certain logic induced a momentum of thought where the "laws" or "natures" of beings are necessitated to do the work of justification and salvation: Pauline's"Justification by Faith" turned into "Justification by Nature."
Foreign Literature Studies
Walt Whitman antinomianism Buddhism