
十堰市成年体检人群胰腺脂肪沉积流行情况及其与脂代谢紊乱的关系 被引量:1

Prevalence of fatty pancreas in adults with physical examination and its association with lipid metabolism disorder in Shiyan city
摘要 目的探讨十堰市成年体检人群胰腺脂肪沉积的流行现状及其与脂代谢异常的关系。方法 2011年1-12月,选取某体检中心接受健康体检人群2 518名,分析其胰腺脂肪沉积的检出率,并对影响因素进行logistic回归分析。结果随着年龄增大,胰腺脂肪沉积检出率增加,差异有统计学意义(男、女性趋势χ2值分别为71.04、168.88,P<0.01)。单因素和多因素logistic回归分析表明,超重或肥胖、脂肪肝和高甘油三酯血症可明显增加胰腺脂肪沉积的发生率,在消除性别和年龄的影响后,影响仍然较大,2项或者3项并存时有交互作用,超重或肥胖、脂肪肝和高甘油三酯血症共存(OR=14.78)时,比单一因素时(超重或肥胖OR=3.52,脂肪肝OR=4.66,高甘油三酯血症OR=2.72)发生胰腺脂肪沉积的危险性明显增加,高胆固醇血症对胰腺脂肪沉积既无独立作用,也无交互作用。结论样本人群胰腺脂肪沉积检出率较高,高甘油三酯血症、超重或肥胖和脂肪肝是胰腺脂肪沉积的独立危险因素,相互之间存在联合作用。 Objective To explore the prevalence of fatty pancreas in aduhs with physical examination and its association with lipid metabolism disorder. Methods The subjects were 2 518 residents with physical examination, the morbidity of fatty pancreas was studied and the risk factors were analyzed with logistic regression. Results The morbidity of fatty pancreas increased with age (P〈 0.01 ), the morbidity of fatty pancreas in males was significantly higher than that in females (P〈0.01). Logistic regression analysis showed that the obesity and overweight, fatty liver and hypertriceride were the risk factors for fatty pancreas, there was interaction among three factors. The risk (OR=14.78) of fatty pancreas in residents with three factors was significantly higher than those in residents with a factor (obesity and overweight: OR=3.52, fatty liver: OR=4.66, hypertriceride: OR=2.72). There were neither dependent effect on the morbidity of fatty pancreas nor interaction among three factors in residents with hypercholesrolemia. Conclusion There is a higher prevalence of fatty pancreas in the sample population, and hypertriceride, overweight or obesity and fatty liver are the independent risk factors of fatty pancreas. There are the combinative effects among three factors.
出处 《中国慢性病预防与控制》 CAS 2014年第2期140-143,共4页 Chinese Journal of Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(81372998) 湖北省自然科学基金项目(2013CFC034)
关键词 胰腺 脂肪异位沉积 流行病学特征 脂代谢紊乱 Pancreas Fatty Epidemiology character Lipid metabolism disorder
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