

A Historical View of the Popular, National and Scientific Qualities of Vietnam's 1945-1976 Education
摘要 越南教育的人民性、民族性与科学性缘起于1945年后越南文化的改造,其含义在于越南教育是属于越南大众的教育,有先进的形态,充分反映并服务于越南国家利益与社会经济发展的需求。围绕教育"三性"的达成,在1945-1976年民主共和国时期,越南以平民学务运动和工农教育开启教育的普及化,以学校知识体系的越南中心化与"学行结合"的路线构建和深化教育、国家和社会的关系,以对苏联教育模式的全面移植以重整和改进越南教育的制度。这些产生并适应于民族民主革命时代的教育"三性"之发展路向在20世纪90年代越南进入革新开放阶段之后出现了显著的变化,主要涉及对教育平等的重新定义和教育公平化价值取向的调整、对基于教育分权与教育市场化的政府、社会、学校三者的关系重构、对外国教育制度模式的理性借鉴与本土化改造。 The popular, national and scientific qualities of Vietnam's education were shaped in the reformation of Vietnamese culture since 1945, which symbolized the Vietnamese people's right, and served the needs of Vietnam's national economic and social development. For that purpose, Vietnam constructed a mass proletariat education, strengthened the links of education, nation and society by integrating Vietnam-centered schooling and "internship learning" during the period of the Democratic Republic from 1945 to 1976, and also streamlined the Soviet model of education. These pathways have changed since the renovation in the 1990s, with the education equality redefined, the relations of government, school and society restructured through education decentralization and marketisation, and foreign educational models rationally integrated and localized.
作者 陈立
出处 《宁波大学学报(教育科学版)》 2014年第3期42-47,共6页 Journal of Ningbo University(Educational Science Edition)
基金 宁波大学2011年度学科项目(XKW11D2025)
关键词 越南教育 人民性 民族性 科学性 历史 Vietnam's education popularization national identity scientific quality history
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