通过以昆明为代表的云南高原温凉粳稻区 4个有代表性的当家品种的研究表明 :1 各品种以孕穗期的生长速率最大 ,孕穗期和灌浆充实期物质生产量占生物产量的比例最高 ;2 各品种最高叶面积指数 (LAI)均较低 ,成熟期存活的绿叶数在品种间差异很大 ,抽穗后叶片枯死速度的不同可能是造成后期物质累积量品种间差异的主要原因 ;3 茎鞘发达与否和抽穗后叶片死亡速度共同造成了茎鞘贮藏物质对籽粒产量贡献在品种间的差异 ;4 前期生长量大的品种 ,可在很大程度上减少栽培难度 ,在栽培中 ,应在前、中期具有较高物质累积量的基础上 ,进一步提高叶面积指数 ,努力维持后期叶片活力 ,以提高后期物质生产量。
Four typical varieties have been studied,result showed that:(1)crop growth rate was highest during boot stage Accumulation of production was highest during boot stage and milk stage (2) All varieties have little leaf area, the number of living leaf per stem at maturity is difference among varieties, and it caused diversity of material accumulation after flowering among varieties (3) Living leaf area between flowering and maturity and sheath, stem whether or not well developed caused difference of material which transport to grains from sheath, stem among varieties (4) Varieties that have more production at early period would have better cropping adaptability Increasing leaf area and holding its vigour for long time would obtain higher product
Journal of Yunnan Agricultural University