实验测定了在不同条件下贮藏 6个月的余甘果汁中Vc的含量 ,以掌握余甘果汁在贮藏期间的变化规律 ,实验结果表明 ,余甘果汁在贮藏期内 ,Vc含量随贮藏时间的延长而逐渐减少 ,其中大量接触空气是Vc减少的主要原因。另外 ,蔗糖加入余甘果汁 ,对Vc也有较好的保护作用。
The paper describs the chang law of ascorbic acid in fruit juice of Phyllanthus emblica L. The experiment method is that the fruit juice was stored in different conditions, and regularly determined the content of ascorbic acid. After six months, the result of the experiment indicated that the content of ascorbic acid in the fruit juice of Phyllanthus emblica L. was gradually decreased as time went on, and the reductive amount of ascorbic acid in fruit juice in sealed container was less than that in wide open container. In addition, the sugar which was added into the fruit juice could protect the ascorbic acid from damage.
Journal of Yunnan Agricultural University
云南省"八五"攻关项目!(85A0 72 0 6 )