利用网络技术和软件技术将电厂原来互相孤立的各部分水系统联系起来 ,形成全厂水系统集中控制系统 ,实现全厂水系统集中操作、集中监视和集中管理。设计了 2种方案 ,第 1种方案将网络分成 2层 ,上层网是普通的以太网 ,下层网是 PLC专用网 ;第 2种方案是只设一层网络 ,所有的PLC、上位机、集中控制计算机都在同一层以太网上。 2种方案均可行。
The isolated water systems in power plants are connected by network technology and software technology. The centralized controlling system of water systems in whole power plant is built to realize centralized running, centralized monitoring and centralized managing. Two kinds of schemes are designed. The first one is double network structure which is made up by the upper level network and the lower level network. The upper level network is Ethernet. The lower level network is PLC special network. The second kind of scheme is single network structure that is Ethernet made up by all PLC and computers. The two kinds of schemes are all practicable.
Automation of Electric Power Systems