
将艾滋病防治纳入2015年后千年发展议程的分析与建议 被引量:4

Analysis and recommendations on the AIDS response in the Post-2015 Development Agenda
摘要 目的分析全球艾滋病防治进展和所面临的挑战,千年发展目标对全球艾滋病防治的作用,艾滋病防治与公共卫生和社会发展的关系,对将艾滋病纳入2015年后千年发展议程中提出建议。方法通过文献综述、咨询研讨会和网上讨论等活动,收集利益相关者的意见。结果千年发展目标对敦促各国实现承诺、制定并实施国家艾滋病防治计划、促进国际合作和资源利用方面起到了积极的作用,推动了全球的艾滋病防治。但要实现"零新发感染、零歧视、零死亡"的"三零"愿景,仍然面临挑战。将艾滋病纳入2015年后千年发展议程中,不仅对于艾滋病防治具有重大意义,也将对人类社会的发展起到重要作用。结论 1)艾滋病相关的千年发展目标尚未实现,因此艾滋病应该作为核心部分保留在2015年后千年发展框架中,实现在全球范围内消除新发感染及艾滋病相关死亡,以终结艾滋病流行。2)为了充分利用卫生资源,体现卫生的公平性,在2015年后发展议程中,将艾滋病防治作为公共卫生和实现全民健康覆盖目标的重要组成部分。3)艾滋病与其他发展议题密切相关,在2015年后千年发展议程中,应将艾滋病防治体现在更广泛的其他发展目标中,以强调其跨领域的实质。 Objective To analyze progress and challenges in the global AIDS response, the role of the Millenni um Development Goals (MDG) in the AIDS response, and the importance of the AIDS response for public health and social development in this study. Methods A combination of methods including of literature review, thematic consultation and online consultation was used. The results of this study will feed into the national report on Post 2015, to be submitted to the United Nations. Results The MDGs aim to encourage countries to move from govern mental commitment to implementation under the framework of national AIDS response plans. They seek to promote international cooperation and best use of resources in generating momentum towards meaningful progress in the global response to AIDS. However, challenges remain for efforts to realize the vision of the "Three Zeros" goals (Zero new HIV infections, Zero discrimination and Zero AIDSrelated deaths). In seeking to end the global AIDS epidemic and promote healthy social development, the inclusion of AIDSrelated targets in the Post2015 develop ment framework will be critical. Conclusions 1) Since the AIDSrelated MDG has not yet been achieved, it should remain as a core component of the postMDG agenda, providing impetus to efforts to eliminate new HIV infections and AIDSrelated deaths worldwide and finally end the AIDS epidemic: 2) Considerations around health equity in formed, and will continue to inform, the response to AIDS, and this in turn promotes efforts to realize Universal Heahh Coverage. Consequently, the AIDS response should be considered as an important component of efforts to a chieve'universal health coverage targets: 3) In the post2015 development agenda, the AIDS response should be combined with other key development goals, emphasizing its crosscutting nature in the broader development field.
出处 《中国艾滋病性病》 CAS 2014年第3期202-205,共4页 Chinese Journal of Aids & STD
关键词 艾滋病 千年发展目标 2015年后千年发展议程 建议 AIDS MDG Post-2015 development agenda Recommendations
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