
莫纳什大学科研数据管理实践及对我国机构知识库建设的启示 被引量:17

Practice of Research Data Management in Monash University and Its Inspiration for Institutional Repository in China
摘要 科研数据管理与机构知识库在服务目标、内容对象上具有很大的相似性,科研数据管理的一些成功做法与最佳实践对于我国机构知识库的建设与发展具有很好的借鉴意义。在对莫纳什大学科研数据管理成功实践进行分析的基础上,指出其为我国机构知识库发展提供了新思路,包括系统的规划,整合多方力量,注重协作与互动,包容而又个性化的机构库平台,以及加强参与者数据素养的培育等。 There is a great similarity in service objectives and content objects between research data management and institu- tional repository, some successful approaches and best practices of research data management have a good reference for the construc- tion and development of institutional repository in China. On the basis of analyzing the successful practice of research data manage- ment in Monash University, which provides new ideas for the development of institutional repository in China, including systemic planning, integration of muhiple forces, focusing on collaboration and interaction, inclusive and personalized institutional repository platform and strengthening data literacy training for participants.
作者 邓佳 詹华清
出处 《情报理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期136-139,共4页 Information Studies:Theory & Application
关键词 科研数据 数据管理 机构知识库 research data data management institutional repository
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