

Study on Density of Optical State of Dye Doped Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Laser
摘要 从光子态密度理论出发,数值模拟在染料掺杂胆甾相液晶中光子态密度随波长分布图,结果显示,在禁带边缘532nm、592nm处光子态密度急剧升高。制作了染料掺杂胆甾相液晶激光器,实验测得光子禁带的短波与长波边沿分别为557nm、594nm。在全固态532nm脉冲激光器45度角泵浦下,得到波长为573nm激光辐射,实验结果与数值模拟结果基本一致。 Based on the theory of density of optical state, the distribution of density of opti- cal states in dye-doped cholesteric liquid crystal with wavelength distribution image was simulated in numerical. Simulation result shows that density of optical states sharp increases in the photonic band gap edge, in 532 nm,592 nm, respectively. The dye doped cholesteric phase liquid crystal laser was produced, and the short wavelength and long wavelength of photonic band gap are 557 nm,594 nm,respectively, in the experiment. We got 573 nm laser emission, pumped by all solid-state 532 nm pulsed lasers in angle of 45 degrees, and experi- mental results and theoretical simulation results are basically consistent.
出处 《沈阳理工大学学报》 CAS 2014年第2期35-37,共3页 Journal of Shenyang Ligong University
关键词 胆甾相液晶 光子晶体 光子态密度 激光辐射 cholesteric liquid crystal photonic crystals density of optical state laser emis-sion
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