
一种新型PBG-CPW传输线 被引量:2

Novel PBG-CPW Structure
摘要 提出一种新型PBG-CPW传输线,并对其有效介电常数、相速、特性阻抗等基本特性进行了研究。该结构由多段CPW和PS CPW首尾相接而成,相比传统CPW具有更高灵活性。PBG-CPW具有禁带特性,但在一定条件下可等效为均匀传输线,本文采用传输线模型分析了该传输线的色散特性,给出了简化电路模型,并在此基础上讨论了具有单侧PBG的非对称PBG-CPW结构的特性和应用,从而对所提出模型进行验证。 A novel PBG-CPW (Photonic Band Gap-Coplanar Waveguide)transmission line is proposed.It is composed of many CPW and PS CPW (Partial Substrate Coplanar Waveguide)stubs,which joined together end to end.Effective dielectric constant,phase ve-locity and characteristic impedance of the PBG-CPW are analyzed with theoretical method. Proposed structure exhibits better design flexibility and photonic band-gap characters.Under certain conditions,PBG-CPW can be regarded as uniform transmission line.Dispersion char-acter of the proposed structure is analyzed with transmission line method while the simplified circuit model is given.Characters of asymmetric PBG-CPW structure and its applications are discussed,which is also used to verify the proposed model.
出处 《全球定位系统》 2014年第2期60-63,70,共5页 Gnss World of China
关键词 共面波导 光子带隙结构 传输线 非对称结构 相位补偿 CPW PBG Transmission line asymmetric structure phase compensating
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