Lire in Beijing is like a race utilizing several modes of transportation: Flagging down the unperturbed taxi driver "going on break" or heading home the other way. Looking at the plethora of bus numbers playing bumper games so close to one another that you fail to see their number before it is too late to jump on. You must stand for the 4S minutes that would normally last I S minutes during non- rush hours. But where have all these people suddenly emerged from, and what's to worry about not having enough leg or elbow room to scratch that irdtating itch?
Life in Beijing is like a race utilizing several modes of transportation:Flagging down the unperturbed taxi driver"going on break"or heading home the other way.Looking at the plethora of bus numbers playing bumper games so close to one another that you fail to see their number before it is too late to jump on.you must stand for the 45 minutes