
小儿术后疼痛评估及镇痛护理的研究现状 被引量:10

The status of assessment of pediatric postoperative pain and analgesic care
摘要 背景小儿对疼痛刺激的反应较成年人更强烈,过度的应激反应引起其生理和心理紊乱,直接影响患儿的预后。由于儿童多不能确切表达,致使临床医师很难掌握恰当的镇痛程度,镇痛护理是术后镇痛的重要组成部分。目的探讨不同的小儿术后疼痛评估方式,提出合理有效的镇痛护理措施。内容对小儿术后疼痛评估方法及护理人员对患儿采取的不同镇痛护理措施进行综述,重点分析自我描述、生物学评估和行为学评估3种类型。趋向客观的小儿镇痛评估的目的在于采取合理的小儿镇痛方案,帮助患儿及家长积极应对小儿术后疼痛,维护患儿的生命体征稳定并促进患儿康复。 Background Children are more sensitive to pain than adults. Excessive stress reaction could lead to mental and physical disorder, which directly influence children's prognosis. It is difficult for clinicians to accurately evaluate analgesia efficiency since children can't exactly express their feelings. Nursing care is one of the important parts of postoperative analgesia. Objective To review various methods to assess extent of pain for children postoperatively and propose reasonable effective measures for analgesia nursing care. Content Summarize various methods of pain assessment and analgesia nursing care to children postoperatively with focused analysis of self-description, biological assessment, and ethological assessment. Trend Objective analgesia assessment for children aims to implement reasonable schemes to help pediatric patients and parents to handle pain with positive attitude and maintain vital signs stability with boosted healing process.
出处 《国际麻醉学与复苏杂志》 CAS 2014年第5期458-461,共4页 International Journal of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation
关键词 儿童 疼痛评估 镇痛护理 Children Pain assessment Analgesic care
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