
冠心病患者冠脉循环中血浆线粒体偶联因子-6含量与冠脉狭窄程度的相关性(英文) 被引量:1

Correlation between plasma mitochondrial coupling factor-6 level in coronary circulation and coronary stenotic degree in CHD patients
摘要 目的:研究冠心病(CHD)患者冠脉循环中血浆线粒体偶联因子-6(MCF-6)含量与冠脉狭窄程度的相关性。方法:选择冠心病患者64例(冠心病组),根据冠脉病变程度分为单支、双支、多支病变组;另选冠脉正常者20例作为正常对照组,用放免方法分别测定各组外周、冠状窦、冠状窦与主动脉根部血浆MCF-6浓度,并用多元线性逐步回归分析分析冠脉循环血浆MCF-6含量与冠脉狭窄程度的相关性。结果:冠心病患者外周、主动脉根部、冠状窦血浆MCF-6浓度较正常对照组均显著升高(P〈0.05);冠心病组冠状窦血浆MCF-6浓度较主动脉根部及外周血的均显著升高[(402±56)pg/ml比(348±48)pg/ml比(340±51)pg/ml,P〈0.01];多支病变组的血浆MCF-6浓度较单支、双支病变组的显著升高(P〈0.05~0.01);多元线性逐步回归分析显示冠状窦及主动脉根部血浆MCF-6浓度与Gensini积分均呈明显正相关(r=0.650,P〈0.01;r=0.711,P〈0.01)。结论:线粒体偶联因子-6参与了冠心病的病理生理过程,在冠心病的发病过程中可能是一种较为重要的血管活性物质。 Objective: To study correlation between plasma mitochondrial coupling factor-6 (MCF-6) level in coronary circulation and coronary stenotic degree in CHD patients. Methods: A total of 64 CHD patients were selected as CHD group, and they were further divided into single-vessel group, double-vessel group and multi-vessel coronary disease group; another 20 cases with normal coronary artery were enrolled as normal control group. Radioimmunoassay method was used to measure plasma MCF-6 concentration in peripheral, coronary sinus and aortic root in each group. Multivariant linear gradual regressive analysis was used to analyze above-mentioned correlation. Results: Compared with normal control group, there was significant increase in plasma MCF-6 concentration in peripheral, aortic root and coronary sinus in CHD patients (P〈0.05 all) ; compared with aortic root and peripheral plasma, there was significant increase in MCF-6 concentration [(348±48) pg/ml vs. (340±51) pg/ml vs. (402±56) pg/ml, P〈0.01 all] in coronary sinus of CHD group; Compared with single-vessel group, double-vessel group, there were increase in MCF-6 concentration in multi-vessel coronary disease group (P 〈 0.05 -〈0.01) ; Multivariant linear gradual regressive analysis indicated that Gensini score was significant positively correlated with plasma MCF-6 concentrations in coronary sinus and aortic root ( r = 0. 650, P〈0.01 ; r = 0.711, P〈0.01). Conclusion: Mitochondrial coupling factor-6 participates in the pathophysiological process of coronary heart disease, which may be an important vasoactive substance during development of coronary heart disease.
作者 马健 成强
机构地区 青岛解放军
出处 《心血管康复医学杂志》 CAS 2014年第2期117-122,共6页 Chinese Journal of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Medicine
关键词 冠状动脉疾病 冠状动脉循环 线粒体偶联因子-6 Coronary artery disease Coronary circulation Mitochondrial coupling factor 6
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