1999年中国非织造布产量 32万t,其中约有 1 3万t用于过滤和相关用途 ,约有 80 %的非织造滤料用针刺法生产 ,品种较全。非织造滤料主要用于工业废气排放的处理、空气洁净化处理和工业过滤。预计今后 5年~ 10年内非织造滤料年增长速度超过 10 % ,2 0 10年产量在 3万t~ 4万t之间 ,非织造滤料用量将超过纺织滤料 ,成为滤料的第一大品种。
China has produced about 320 kt nonwovens in 1999, of them, about 13 kt have been used for all kinds of filters media or related end uses, about 80% is made by needle punching method. The main applications of nonwovens filter are the industry exhaust emission, air cleaning, and industry filtration. It's predicted that the nonwovens filter will be increased more than 10% per year, and will reach to 30 kt~40 kt in 2010, the quantities of nonwovens filters are much more than the textile filters to become the first type of filters.
Technical Textiles