将纺织品分成偏酸性、接近中性和偏碱性3大类,先以符合标准要求的水为萃取介质在国标、日标和美标下测试,然后在国标下采用0.1 mol/L的氯化钾(KCl)溶液为萃取介质进行测试,结果表明:国标测试值最小,日标略大,美标最大;且随着纺织品pH值增加,3个标准间的测试差值呈增大趋势;在国标下测试,偏酸性纺织品采用符合标准要求的水为萃取介质即可,接近中性和偏碱性纺织品应以KCl溶液为萃取介质,且氯化钾溶液作为萃取介质在测试耗时上有优势;在实际测试中还应注意标准和要求范围的差异所导致的检测不合格现象。
The textiles fabrics can be classified into three categories-acidic, neutral and alkaline. The Paper us-es the standard-meet water as extracting solution to test pH values according to GB, JIS and AATCC standard methods respectively. Then the KCl of 0.1 mol/L is employed extracting solution to make test according to GB stan-dard method. The test results show that GB standard has the minimum test value, JIS gives slightly larger result, AATCC standard generates the maximum value. And the test value differences among these standards tend to in-crease with the increase of textiles pH values. When testing acidic textiles according to GB standard, water can be used as solution, neutral and alkaline textiles should take KCl as extracting solution with the advantage of time-saving. Finally, it should be noted that the test failures in actual testing can be caused by differences between standards and requirements.
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