
论战时比例性原则的适用:要素、标准与价值评判 被引量:2

The Application of the Principle of Proportionality in Wartime: Elements,Standards and the Value Judgment
摘要 参照国际公约的相关规定,首先就战时比例性原则的概念与内涵进行了探讨,附带损害和军事利益是该原则的两大构成要素,适用战时比例性原则的标准可分为理性指挥官标准、演算法标准、个案分析法标准、累积法标准、"针对性杀戮案"中的三条件标准与军事必要性标准等,对于该原则的适用需要结合有关理论和实践,最后通过对相关条款加以阐释的方式,就比例性原则的适用问题进行综合性的价值评判,以求更好地适应于未来实践的具体需要。 This paper referred to the related articles of the international conventions. Firstly it discussed about the conception and meanings of the principle of proportionality in wartime. The incidental loss and military advantage are two main elements of this principle. The standards of applying the principle of proportionality in wartime can be distinguished as the rational commander standard,algorithm standard,individual case-analysis standard,accumulating standard,the three conditions standard in the Targeted Killing Case,the military necessity standard and so on. Therefore,applying this principle should combine with the related theories and practices. So the authors make the comprehensive value judgment on the issue of this principle's application through explaining the related articles at last,in order to meet the concrete demands of future practice better.
作者 崔森 章成
出处 《河北科技师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第1期41-47,共7页 Journal of Hebei Normal University of Science & Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 2013年度国家社科基金重点项目"海外安全利益法律保护的中国模式研究"(13AFX028) 2012年度教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"全球安全基本法律问题研究"(12JJD820004)
关键词 国际人道法 战时比例性原则 适用 要素 标准 价值评判 international humanitarian Law principle of proportionality in wartime application element standard value judgment
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