
翁贝托·艾柯的“消极主义”体育观 被引量:1

Umberto Eco's “Pessimist”concept of sports
摘要 意大利当代思想家翁贝托·艾柯是第一个把欧洲符号学流派与美国符号学研究结合起来的符号学大家。从20世纪60年代到21世纪,他在多篇论著中谈到了体育。他文笔犀利,擅长仿讽体,经常正话反说,因此他的话语需要谨慎而细致地解读。通过解读可以感知到他对体育表面上无比严苛的"消极主义",背后却展现着他无时无刻不在关注体育的情愫,更可以梳理出他的一套完整而充满戏谑色彩的体育观。 Umberto Eco, well known first - class contemporary Italian thinker, a real master of semi- otician who firstly devoted to combining the traditional European Semiology with American Semiotics. He mentioned sports in many of his articles and books from 1960s to 21st century. His harsh and critical style of writing enchanted scholars around the world. His franchise parody made the readers carefully decoding the surface meaning, which usually signifying the opposite. His attitudes toward sport, so -called "pessimist", actually expressed his omnipresent concentrations on sport. His complete series of views against sport with banter could be represented through his parody writings.
作者 魏伟
机构地区 成都体育学院
出处 《山东体育学院学报》 北大核心 2014年第2期13-18,共6页 Journal of Shandong Sport University
基金 国家社科基金项目"近现代西方思想家的体育观"(11XTY004) 四川省高校科研创新团队"现代体育传播研究"(13TD0011)
关键词 翁贝托·艾柯 消极主义 体育观 符号学 仿讽体 Umberto Eco pessimist sports views Semiotics parody
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