
基于知识图谱的国际足球训练研究现状与前沿分析 被引量:33

Status and fronts analysis of international soccer training based on knowledge mapping
摘要 运用科学知识图谱对Web of Science所收录的足球训练领域2002-2011年的相关文献采用定量与定性相结合的方法进行分析,描述该领域近十年来的研究现状和研究热点问题。结果显示:国际足球训练研究当前正处于一个快速发展的时期,年发文量基本处于一个稳步上升的趋势;Castagna C,Dvorak J,Krustrup P,Junge A等著名学者是国际足球训练研究领域的核心作者;美国、澳大利亚、英国等国家是足球训练研究领域的高产国家;高等院校是当前从事足球训练研究的主要场所;2002年至2011年国际足球训练研究的热点主要集中在:运动员对教练员训练和比赛理念的执行力与成绩,足球训练中力量和耐力等体能训练,足球训练和比赛中损伤及预防,训练方法与手段及负荷的可靠性四个方面。 By using scientific knowledge mapping method,the paper makes a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the associated documents from 2002 to 2011 in the field of international soccer training, and describes the research status and hotspots in this field. Following conclusions are found in this research : Research of international soccer training is rapidly developing, the quantity of linking literature grows steadily; Castagna C, Dvorak J, Krustrup P and Junge A etc. are core authors in the international soccer training research; The United States, Australia and the United Kingdom, etc. are core countries in the field of international soccer training research; Colleges and Universities are the main institutions in the field of international soccer training research; international football training research hotspot is within 2002 -2011, mainly focused on four aspects:the performance un- der the director of coach ; the strength and endurance of physical training during the football training; the injury and prevention during the football training and match;and the football training methods and the reliability of the training load.
出处 《山东体育学院学报》 北大核心 2014年第2期47-53,共7页 Journal of Shandong Sport University
基金 湖南省体育科学学会资助项目"同场对抗性集体球类项目弱势的训练学分析"(KT10-10)研究成果之一
关键词 足球训练 CITESPACE 关键词分析 文献共被引 soccer training citespace keywords analysis citation analysis
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