

Higher education:A Special discipline and its development
摘要 高等教育学的研究范围涵盖人才培养、科学研究和社会服务等3个研究"问题域",已超出了教育学的范畴,由此形成的学科知识体系与教育学大不相同。对于高等教育学科的未来发展,在问题域地位方面,应明确人才培养问题域的主导性地位;在知识建构方面,要构建自属的知识体系而不能简单复制教育学;在行政建制方面,应调整该学科作为二级学科的不合理建制设置;在知识生产方面,要应用新的知识生产模式以加快知识积累。 Higher education discipline's research covers talent training, scientific research and social service three research problem domain totally, which is beyond the scope of pedagogy, and its subject knowledge system is different from pedagogy. For the future development of higher education discipline, it should make the talent training problem domain as leading position clearly in the aspect of the problem domain status; it should build its own knowledge system but not copying the pedagogy in the aspect of knowledge construction; it should be adjusted as the secondary discipline in the aspect of administrative organizational system; it should apply new knowledge production mode to accelerate the knowledge accumulation in the asoect of knowledge oroduction.
作者 方泽强
出处 《现代教育论丛》 2014年第2期46-50,共5页 Modern Education Review
关键词 高等教育学 特殊性 发展 Higher education Specialty Development
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