近年来 ,随着《水土保持法》等一系列有关水土保持行政法律法规的相继颁布和实施 ,水土保持监督执法工作逐步走向了法制化轨道 ,水土保持监督管理机关及其工作人员依法行政意识明显增强 ,监督执法力度进一步加大。但另一方面 ,水土保持执法依然存在若干问题 ,为此就水土保持监督执法有关问题作一探讨。
In recent years with a series of regulations and laws of soil and water conservation were put into action,the work of supervision and law enforcement of soil and water conservation are entering the stage of lawlization.The realization of administration and their stuff are enhancing awaremess of the law rapidly.The enhancement of supervision and law enforcement are being strengthened.But there are still several problems to be solved.So we put forward some corresponding countermeasures based on the investigation and research.
Research of Soil and Water Conservation